
I am 39 years old and I live in Cincinnati Ohio with my wonderful husband of 16 years and two daughters, one natural and one foster... both 19... yes, I'm nuts!
I enjoy chatting with people and meeting them... have met and made friends with many people online.
I have been online for about 10 years. Does this mean I am addicted?
Nah! Ok, I am, but don't tell anyone. :)
I have two cats, Fat Bastard and Big Bitch.
They are my constant companions.
Two and a half years ago I had gastric bypass surgery due to kidney failure due to weight so I have lost... 210 pounds and 2 inches in height. That really annoys the hell outta me, like I'm not short enough!
I'm 5' 1". If you want to know more about me, just say hello and ask me.
Take care!


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